October 25th, 2014 - The Gingerdead Man (2005)

"I was really expecting to be blown away and spiritually moved by the drama, intensity, and relatable characters in Gingerdead Man." 
                                                   - no one, ever.

It's called Gingerdead Man, and it's about a killer's spirit who magically inhabits a gingerbread cookie/bad hand-puppet.  That should be ample warning right there.  I appreciate that it tells you how terrible it is within the title - no hidden agendas here.

To be fair, this was a very late night inebriated watch for me.  Which might be the only way to do it, really.   So take that into consideration.  But it was not a terrible way to kill an hour (60 minute run time! Plus a full 10 for credits).  In fact, it might be the best murderous cookie movie to date!  Watch out Snickerdoodle Slayer and Some Other Cookie/Murder-related Puns.

Gary Busey plays serial killer - it doesn't matter what his name his.  He shoots a bunch of people in a diner in the first scene, murdering a father/son and leaving behind mother/daughter.  Mother/daughter must now run the family bakery alone.  Busey gets the chair for his crimes and is cremated, and his mother mixes his ashes into gingerbread mix.  (This last sentence brought to you by wikipedia - it was news to me!)  The haunted gingerbread mix is mysteriously delivered to the bakery, where an employee accidentally gets his blood in it (!) - seems unlikely, but whatever.   The daughter bakes a GIANT gingerbread cookie - like two feet tall?  Way too big for a cookie.  Anyways, it comes to life, says a couple of stupid one-liners and supposedly kills a couple of people (you don't really see much).

That's the plot.  I don't think it's worth going any further.   It's not terrible - if you're grading on a sliding scale.  I generally expect more out of other installments in the "small, supposedly inanimate things killing people" genre (Puppet Master, Demonic Toys), but once you cross the line into baked goods killing people I think you just have to give up.

Honestly, I expected it to be worse - I figured it was one of those movies where they thought of a funny title and figured the hard work was done.  It's obviously stupid and cheesy - but the characters (and actors) are likable enough to give it a pass.  In fact, I thought the odd-couple romantic angle was done far better here than in most other cheapie horror movies.  The Gingerdead man himself is a bit of a letdown - he looks super-crappy and doesn't really do anything funny/gory/interesting.  But still, someone made a movie about a killer cookie...

I would   whatever   this movie.

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