February 12th, 2015 (Trip Day 6) - Disturbed (2009)

Trip Day 6.

On February 7th, my wife and I went on a trip to sunny California. We started in LA, visiting a friend for a couple of days, and over the next week slowly drove up the coast to finish things up in San Francisco. It was rad! But, it made watching a movie every day/writing about it quite difficult. As committed as I am to this thing, I can't justify missing out on a potentially once-in-a-lifetime trip to blog about a terrible indie-slasher, you know? Plus, I think it's wise to occasionally do things with your spouse.

So things will be a little different for the next 11 entries. I managed to watch the movies, but rather than writing about them as I normally do, I'll do a quick little synopsis, a little imdb research, quote some of the reviews (can you do that?) and bounce off of them. Followed up with my general impressions. Okay, thanks!

California is pretty sweet.


In this (very) indie horror film, a serial killer gets out of jail and kills people. I think he's going after his lawyer's family, or something, but then gets the wrong family. The family doesn't want to be killed. It's not very good and I don't really remember much else about the plot, being on vacation and all. But I'm fairly certain there isn't much else to report plot-wise.


First, a warning: Disturbed appears to be one of the lowest budget films I've ever seen actually distributed... One I'd recommend only to pure low budget film fans.
     -Thanks "Aka_who" via imdb

It certainly does look bad, shot on video and all that jazz. It *feels* like it has a crazy low budget, but it's listed at $80,000. Which is very low, but considering I've watched a couple other films recently (Everyone Must Die! and The Battery) that looked way better with budgets in the single-thousands of dollars range... I'm just not sure where the money went. Or maybe it's a tax scam. I'm not one to hate on these super indie-movies just because of how they look, but looks aside Disturbed brings nothing new or interesting to the table.

I know it is hard to make a good movie, especially if your budget is very limited. As far as camera and photography goes, I can only say it wasn't that bad, but it could be a lot better.
     -Thanks "BBstarmovies" via imdb

"It could be a lot better" could sum up a lot of things in the movie. The acting ranges from pretty poor to okay - but it makes sense considering this seemed to be a family affair. Writer/Director Randy Aldridge cast both of his children in sizable roles. The acting is not the worst I've come across, but it's rather clunky at times. Same goes for the camera work. The horror elements are forgettable, as in I really don't remember anything about them.

The plot is nothing that hasn't been seen several dozen times since the mad killer films really started in the late fifties
     -Thanks "dbburroughs" via imdb

That's the biggest issue with Disturbed - it's story (or lack thereof). There just isn't much to it, and we've seen it done so many times and so much more effectively. It's just so by the numbers that it's effectively invisible.

Final Thoughts:

I wasn't a fan - very hard to recommend. Not even enjoyable in a so-bad-it's-good way. Low-budget fans can do better.

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